John Copeland

John Copeland

Anterior Hip Replacement I recently had an Anterior Hip Replacement performed by Professor Ghoz. The pre and post operative ssurance, care and treatment by Professor Ghoz was so professional. The operation was really successful,only 2 nights in hospital, hardly any...
John Copeland


Revision Hip Operation Dear Mr Ghoz, I would like to express my appreciation to you for operating on my left hip. I can already feel the difference and am slowly getting my life back to normal. In the mean time, I will keep doing my exercises as advised by...
John Copeland


Revision Hip Operation I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the excellent results of the revision hip operation you carried out for me on 18th June.
John Copeland


Dear Mr Ghoz, Now that I am on my two feet and walking cautiously it is time for me to thank you and your surgical team for the successful repair to my seriously fractured ankle. Thanks to your thorough follow-up procedure I am finding the physiotherapy sessions most...
John Copeland


Late Last year my prosthetic knee dislocated and chipped my Femur. I was admitted to hospital as an emergency and was told that I required an operation to correct the problem otherwise I would probably not walk again. The operation that was required was complicated...